
Meet our Students

Discover what our international students say about studying in ΢Ȧ.

Meet Nina from Lebanon

“Belgium, consider it. It’s quite nice”

Nina is studying a Bachelor in International Media and Entertainment Business at Thomas More University of Applied Sciences in Mechelen. She would recommend ΢Ȧ as a study destination because everybody is super friendly, it is a great location in the heart of Europe and it is a great value for money.

Watch the full video and discover what Nina has to say about studying in ΢Ȧ.

Meet Jack from the United States

“Cheaper than Chicago, for sure”

Jack studies a research master in Philosophy at KU Leuven. He talks about the costs of living and studying in ΢Ȧ. In comparison with what you would pay in the United States, studying in ΢Ȧ is quite affordable, he says.

Watch the full video and discover what else Jack wants to share with you about studying in ΢Ȧ.

Meet Davide from Italy

“Making friends here is so easy”

Davide is a classical guitarist and studies at Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel, a conservatory that is part of the Erasmus University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Brussels.

He made a lot of new friends while studying in ΢Ȧ, because it is very easy to start a conversation while wandering around the city or going to a bar to make new friends.

Watch the full video and discover how Davide has experienced studying in Brussels.

Meet Tina from Zimbabwe

“I would like to stay in Belgium to look for a job”

Tina is studying a Bachelor in International Business Management at UCLL, a University of Applied Sciences in Leuven. After her studies she will use the orientation year visa, so she can stay in Belgium for one year to look for a job.

Watch the full video and discover what Tina has to say about studying in ΢Ȧ.

Meet Sesam from Indonesia

“I got a scholarship from VLIR-UOS, it’s a full scholarship”

Sesam is studying a Master in Epidemiology at the University of Antwerp. She received a scholarship from VLIR-UOS. The scholarship paid for her tuition fee and living expenses every month.

Watch the full video and discover how Sesam has experienced studying in ΢Ȧ.

Meet Tereza from Slovakia

“What is a better place to study than in Brussels, at the heart of Europe.”

Tereza is studying a Master in European and International Governance at Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

She talks about the opportunities for internships and jobs in Brussels, the home for international organizations and the European Union.

Watch the full video and discover what Tereza wants to share with you about studying in Brussels.

Meet Viyaja from India

Meet Merve from Turkey

Meet Daniela from Mexico

Meet Joanna from the US

Meet Nakisa from Germany

Meet Nicolas from Colombia

Curious about which international programmes you can study in ΢Ȧ? Find out on our programme-page.